Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Life and Works of Jesus in India

1. A royal prince of India, Ravanna in the South, was at the Jewish Feast.
2. Ravanna was a man of wealth, and he was just, and with a band of Brahmic priests sought wisdom in the west.
3. When Jesus stood among the Jewish priests and read and spoke, Ravanna
heard and was amazed.
4. And when he asked who Jesus was, from whence He came and what He was,
Chief Hillel said:
5. "We call this child the Day Star from on high, for He has come to bring to
men a light, the light of life; to lighten up the way of men and to redeem His people of Israel."
6. And Hillel told Ravanna all about the child; about the prophecies concerning Him; about the wonders of the night when He was born; about the visit of the Magian priests.
7. About the way in which He was protected from the wrath of evil men; about His flight to Egyptland, and how He then was serving with His father as a carpenter in Nazareth.
8. Ravanna was entranced, and asked to know the way to Nazareth, that he
might go and honor such a one as son of Allah.
9. And with his gorgeous train he journeyed and came to Nazareth of Galilee.
10. He found the object of his search engaged in building dwellings for the sons of men.
11. And when he first saw Jesus He was climbing up a twelve step ladder, and He carried in His hands a compass, square and axe.
12. Ravanna said: "All hail, most favored son of Heaven!"
13. And at the inn Ravanna made a feast for all the people of the town; and Jesus and His parents were honored guests.
14. For certain days Ravanna was a guest in Joseph's home on Marmion Way; he
sought to learn the secret of the wisdom of the son; but it was all to great for
15. And then he asked that he might be the patron of the child, might take Him to the east, where He could learn the wisdom of the Brahms.
16. And Jesus longed to go, that He might learn; and after many days His
parents gave consent.
17. Then, with proud heart, Ravanna with his train, began the journey towards the rising sun; and after many days they crossed the sand, and reached the province of Orissa, and the palace of the prince.
18. The Brahmic priests were glad to welcome home the prince; with favor they received the Jewish boy.
19. And Jesus was accepted as a pupil in the Temple Jagannath; and here He learned the Vedas and the Manic law.
20. The Brahmic Masters wondered at the clear conceptions of the Child, and often were amazed when He explained to them the meaning of the law.
#Moorish_Holy_Quran #The_Aquarian_Gospel_of_Jesus_The_Christ #Noble_Drew_Ali #Levi_H_Dowling #Christ #Jesus #India #Jesus_In_India #Moslem #Hindu #Bihar #Buddha

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The general population dosen't know whats happening

They don't want to see us unite:
All they want us to do is keep on fussing and fighting
They don't want to see us live together:
All they want us to do is keep on killing one another

The general population dosen't know whats happening, and it dosen't even know that it dosen't know.

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.

You have to understand, most people are not ready to be unplugged and many of them are so injured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Cheers to everyone smart enough to not fall for the political divide & conquer agenda. Because if they keep us busy fighting each other, we will never focus on who the real enemy is.
All the media and the politicians ever talk about is things that separate us, things that make us different from one another

There is no black vs white. There is no republican vs democrat. There is no gay vs straight. There is no athiest vs fanatic. There is no rich vs poor. There is no left vs right. There is only us against them. The labels with which we identify ourselves and others only keep us divided and fighting each other instead of fighting back.

What if I told you they were filling your head with useless sports stats, celebrity gossip and flavor of the week fashion to distract you from the corruption and theft that usually impacts your life everyday.