Thursday, April 7, 2016

Never Give Up

We all have that aspect of being a hero, that potential inside us.
But in the face of adversity, in the face of an impossibility what we all go through
We all, you and me. We all feel lost, we feel confused, we feel scared.
We don't know how and it's at that time, that we tend to lose belief in that core strength.
We tend to forget what we have the ability to overcome.
We have the ability to rise. We have the ability to defeat defeat.
And at those times is when we all need to remind us that we are and we can be strong.
that we can overcome. that dreams as impossible as they might be can come true.
You can never find time.
For anything in your life if you are looking for time, it's never going to be found.
You have to create time. True success in your life will be when you can manage your time.
When you have the time to do everything that you want to do in your life,
That's the day that you will be successful. But the one thing, that will make you great in your life
Beyond money, beyond strength, beyond anything else is your character.
Know who you are walk your path, know your truths.
Character, that is what will make you great in whatever you do in your life.
And remember that status in the world is not defined by that work you but by how well you do it.
It doesn't matter what you do whatever you do, you do it great
and that will show your character to the people around you.
Be givers in life. Don't wait for people to show you love. Give love first.
Be contributors and whatever you want in your life will come to you automatically.
Give first.
How much more do we really need to see, to understand that life is more than what meets the eyes
Life is a gift, never to give up. Never give up
If you just hang in there, if you just consistently keep moving forward
with a positive attitude, magic happens. Miracles do happen.
Impossible is nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Make your story the greatest story ever told.
We have this one life and we can make it great no matter what.

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