Thursday, April 7, 2016


Whenever your mind feels calm by doing anything then that is good Karma
Whatever makes your mind restless or makes other's mind restless, that is bad Karma
Desire is the root cause of existence. Desire itself is Karma
as desires arise, Karma happens. As long as you have the question 
Who am I, from where have i come and where do i go ? 
there is no better Karma than this in the world, hold it steadfast 
because this takes you within. 
The day this question leaves you, you will start walking on the evil path.
Spirituality is nothing but understanding of the truth
As your understanding grows, you will know that Spirituality is also called Consciousness and Knowledge
From where does knowledge come ? By rise in the level of consciousness 
The more your awareness and understanding of the world grows
you will voluntarily set aside the small things
Whenever we attain something big, we willingly keep aside the small things
There is no dividing line between spirituality and materialism 
It is just our misconception
It is possible that a worldly person is a lot more spiritual than
a spiritual person sitting on the top of a mountain
and on the other hand a person who calls himself spiritual is totally unspiritual and materialistic 
What we think and perceive is different and the reality is different
Whenever we put our attention on a particular thing
be it sound, light or anything. It begins to expand.
You are (your presence) is not the reason why I am watching you
I am watching therefore you are otherwise you are not.
You are watching therefore I am
Once you stop watching, there will be no me
When there is an observer, there is matter
When there is no observer, there are only waves. Energy which is flowing.
Observation is causing all of it to materialise and come into existence 
So, how is it that i am watching you and who is really watching ?
Are you really there ? Or are you merely my imagination ?

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